Just comparison of Mughulia Vision of Mosque Vs Tomb of Taj Mahal (Grave Tomb )Which is considred in the 7th Mircles of the World.The great King couldnot spent much money in the Allah
sake but he spent million of Rs.and material only for his wife grave.What a contrastic vision of Deen
and Dunia for the people who have Heart to Feel,Eyes to observe and Mind to Set !!!!!!!!
Just comparison of Mughulia Vision of Mosque Vs Tomb of Taj Mahal (Grave Tomb )Which is considred in the 7th Mircles of the World.The great King couldnot spent much money in the Allah
sake but he spent million of Rs.and material only for his wife grave.What a contrastic vision of Deen
and Dunia for the people who have Heart to Feel,Eyes to observe and Mind to Set !!!!!!!!